I've seen a lot of people searching lately. Searching for jobs, love, hope, their identity, peace, joy, comfort, clarity...Answers. Myself being one of the "people" looking for a few of the above. I know the answer is always Jesus. Sometimes though my heart and my flesh fail,(Psalm 73:26) and I will lose sight of Him, and seek answers elsewhere. Often times when I pray about something and the Lord's answer is "Wait", I will get impatient, or if I'm not listening close enough for His whispers, His still small voice, I listen to someone else's voice...Sometimes it's my own. I'll seek a quick fix. I'll talk to someone who I know will have the right words to say, (for a temporary "peace"), or I'll just assume I know what's best for me, and answer my own questions with the results I want to hear. I've invented loop holes, I've tried to prolong the inevitable, but in the end, the Lord's will be done. I can always "return to my vomit." But by going that route, I'm not only wasting my time, (and most likely someone else's) but I'm also taking the long way, and being disobedient to God's will...or rather ignoring it. In 1st Kings 18:37- we read Elijah's public prayer of great faith and confidence that God will answer him. In the same breath that I 'm telling people to trust the Lord, and that having faith in Him, is SO crucial to remaining not only sane but also to keeping our hearts in one piece. I can be anxious, not remembering to trust Him, (Luke 12:22-34)and falling apart at the seams. If we remain close to Him, press into Him, seek Him, hear Him... He'll guard our hearts, He'll answer you...